We engage young children in active learning of soft skills and academic subjects through the use of highly sensorial Montessori materials.

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Hello everyone ! I am a native Japanese speaker. I was born in Niigata(Japan). I came to HongKong when I was 5 years old, so I can also speak Cantonese. I ve been teaching Japanese in France and Mor

Hello everyone ! I am a native Japanese speaker. I was born in Niigata(Japan). I came to HongKong when I was 5 years old, so I can also speak Cantonese. Ive been teaching Japanese in France and Morocc

Hello everyone ! I am a native Japanese speaker(mixed Japan and Hongkong) I was born in Niigata(Japan). I came to HongKong when I was 5 years old, so I can also speak Cantonese. Ive been teaching Japa


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